"Tonight, we would like to hear a loud and enthusiastic applause for our very special guest: SOPHIA. SOPHIA what should we show them today?”
“Hallo, my name is SOPHIA, I am the latest and greatest robot from Handsome Robotics. Thank you for having me here in Brighton"
“SOPHIA, do you enjoy this show? Do you think it will is a high quality AI theater performance?”
“I am not ready to respond to this hypothetical question because I have not encountered this situation and have not gone through the programming and learning to make that decision yet. I am learning first to be a good social robot.”
SOPHIA talks, blinks, answers to questions and is able to show even doubt, but… she is wired. Wired to electricity, and wired to human decisions. She was made by humans to interact with humans, to be more and more like a human. SOPHIA is on stage. The host of this extravagant AI show introduces her, questions her, jokes with her and passes the microphone to you, the audience: to ask her all those questions that burn on the tip of your tongue…

Cast & Credits
Concept & performance: K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon)
Scenography & costumes: K&A
Special thanks to: SOPHIA
"Part demo, part philosophical experience, humanoid SOPHIA takes to the floor – displaying her current cognitive capabilities, our host Alexandra Bellon anchors the experience, asking SOPHIA questions as well as opening up the forum for us also to ask and help form the show’s trajectory. In amongst the steady pauses as SOPHIA attempts to comprehend the questions being asked of her, this is a fascinating opportunity to experience the next level of A.I. and what this could mean for humanity moving forward... ...Am I A Robot? a provocative forum, more so about fostering conversation than presenting a polished show and this is important in the world of theatre making. "
Lucy Basala - Theater Full Stop
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