ANALOG <-> DIGITAL is a movement theater performance dedicated to a disequilibrating contemporary world. Analogue sounds compete with digital ones, books burn and e-readers rise, vinyls are the new dancefloor and polaroids our only archive.
In a scenography between pixels and objects arises a temporal space where micromovements appear: fingers precisely initiating the ongoing dance of a spinning top or the blink of an eye caught in an extravagant selfie.
ANALOG <-> DIGITAL invites you to oscillate in between contradictory cravings: waiting for a handwritten letter, detesting technology, falling in love with a screen (maybe even a robot?), breaking your phone, crying for a book, stealing a spinning top, scratching a vinyl, getting addicted to chatGPT .
'Inspired by ancient and contemporary games, sweetly accompanied by a tendency to escapism, the performers question/teases/underlines our relation with digital and analogue objects.'
Cast & Credits
Concept, performance: K&A
Text: K&A with quotes of Marguerite Duras, James Baldwin, Kae Tempest, Orhan Pamuk, Sarah Cane, Chat GPT, Terence Winter, June Jordan, Edward Albee, Elizabeth Taylor, Cory Doctorow, Cookie Monster, Eminem, Coi Leray, Hildegard of Bingen
Set Design: K&A
Technical support: Andries van Duijvenbode (Theater Ins Blau) Harwin Wegner (Theater Ins Blau)
Composition & realization of music: Alexandra Bellon
Voice: Anne-Kathryn Olsen
Voice recording: Alessandro Mazzieri
Mix of composition: Alessandro Mazzieri
Coproduction: Stichting Public Frequencies, K&A, Theater Ins Blau
Special Thanks to: Kees van Leeuwen, Kishan Buldeo Rai, Mirjam Hensgens, Kim Vissers, Theater Ins Blau, Kaserne Blau
The composition of ANALOG <-> DIGITAL is supported by Nicati-De Luze
Upcoming Dates
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Past Dates

Amsterdam, 1031KS Netherlands

Carouge, 1227 Switzerland

Geneva, 1205 Switzerland