“What if our society was a gigantic chessboard, with a king, rebellious pawns, and “Checkers”, migrating from another board game, threatened with expulsion? Between manipulation, corruption, fear of migrants and the rise of totalitarianism, this political thriller sketches the current events of a society caught up in the spiral of a destructive game.”
Gaspard & Ulysse Gry
Cast & Credits
Direction & adaptation: K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon)
after the comic Un monde en pièce from Gaspard & Ulysse Gry
Translation: Martin de Haan
Binaural recording, research & mix: David Poissonnier
Music composition & execution: Alexandra Bellon
Rap (text & voice): Gerindo Kartadinata
Mix Club: DJ Skillz
Graphic design: Gaspard & Ulysse Gry
Masks design & costume advise: Sofya Samareva
Research & development digital platform: Clever Net Systems, Antoine Hordez.
Alkis Barbas, Alexandra Bellon, Gillis Biesheuvel, Onno Dirker, Karla Isidorou, Gerindo Kartadinata, Gina-Alina Patilea, Hanne Struyf, Fenna Schoren.
Annelie Koning, Chris Kijne, Gerindo Kartadinata, Gillis Biesheuvel, Hanne Struyf, Ioana Tudor, Jibbe Willems, Justin Samgar, Joshua Albano, Kees van Leeuwen, Lard Adrian, Laurien van Rijswijk, Leon Kribbeler, Marjan van Giel, Onno Dirker, Sophie Derkzen.
Production support: Monique in het Veld
Co-production: Theater Ins Blau
Special thanks to: Kees van Leeuwen & Stéphanie Kersbergen
CHAME THE GAME is a co-production of K&A & Theater Ins Blau and is supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL, Performing Arts Fund NL, Lira Fonds, Vfonds, Stichting Dioraphte, FONDS21

© Photography: Alexey Shahov Masks: Sofya Samareva
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