For “Le Tiret d’Alice/Episode 1″ K&A create a sound environment to welcome the audience in the world of the Swiss writer Alice Rivaz. On invitation and in collaboration with Aurélien Gamboni & Caroline de Cornière they create an outisde circular sound performance that sounds up “Le Tiret” the bench sculpture created by Aurélien Gamboni dedicated to Alice Rivaz.
Cast & Credits
Concept, composition of soundenviroment: K&A – Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon
Inspired by the writings of : Alice Rivaz (1901 – 1998)
Graphic Desugn and Score: K&A
Photography: Dylan Perrenoud
Voice: Caroline de Cornière & Aurélien Gamboni
Sound engineer: Nadan Rojnic
in collaboration with l’Institut d’étude des intervalles for “Le Tiret d’Alice/Episode 1”
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