Four numbers, to form a single question: 8 1 0 2?
Don’t expect any kind of answers. All that you will have is
“an idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once the idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate.”
C. Nolan
At the end of 2018, this project started with dozens of discarded agendas. Diaries that are normally used to organise, capture and control the time, where about to be thrown away. K&A proposed a mirror, a window: 8102. How to imagine a world in more than 6000 years?
Inviting people from different fields, ages & cultures K&A initiated a community of constructors that during one year filled/feeled these agendas: a poetic turbine to initiate an ever growing community. Now one year later, K&A roll up their sleeves to put their hands inside the noisy engine of this community and craft a performance.
This radiophonic live performance interogates a notebook llibrary lying bright open on a table. The voices of Karla Isidorou and Alexandra Bellon become a guide through the continuously transforming coordinates of more than 70 notebooks. Challenging the mind to mirror the year from 2018 to 8102, the audience dives into a collective imagination of a year in the ultra future.
Exit ticket: the irresistable lure of the unknown.
“We crafted a window: 8102. We let you a mirror. If we have to admit the frame is a window, you have to admit that the game is a mirror.”

Cast & Credits
Artistic direction, concept & performance: K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon)
Music Composition: Alexandra Bellon with extracts of participants
About the Creative Team & the Constructors of 8102:
8102, is a growing project & community initiated by the artist duo K&A, formed by Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon. Mixing their different backgrounds and their complex cultural roots they spread poetical & political concepts. In their work the single signature is killed, they work within an equal collective atmosphere. By de-sponging & de-stealing the world K&A extract the matiére premiére that will be distilled again. Out of continuous distillations wor(l)ds arise to invite/invade the public. Part of 8102 is a growing community of humans with different ages, cultures, professions and conceptions of the world. Each one of them works on their notebook to create a world in more than 6000 years: 8102. A few of them: Jade (2006/FR), Hildegard (1942/NL), Giorgos (1975/GR), Christian (1955/CH)
Thinking Partner Buffer Fringe 21-22:
Sofronis Sofroniou

Quotes of Participants
Constructor Nº 7
Constructor Nº 24
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Constructor Nº 11bis
Constructor Nº 15
Constructor Nº 29 & 29bis
Previous Dates
In the Press
"Isidorou en Bellon nemen de rol van ‘gouddelver’ in. Ze lezen de notitieboekjes en structureren de ideeën die ze daarin tegenkomen. ‘In de voorstelling mixen we de verschillende boekjes en ideeën door elkaar. We zijn restaurateurs van verhalen die al bestaan. De voorstelling is als een live radiosegment waarvan wij de presentatoren zijn. We presenteren stukjes verhaal, interviewen deelnemers en luisteren naar interviews die we eerder opgenomen hebben. Aan het einde van de voorstelling kun je de boekjes bekijken en krijg je je eigen notitieboekje mee. De voorstelling is dan ook geen eindpunt van dit project, maar een beginpunt om de community nog verder te vergroten. We hopen dat de voorstelling een lucifer is, die de verbeelding ontvlamt waar je vervolgens een paar jaar aan kunt werken.’
Interview with Eva van der Weerd 26 maart 2020 - Theaterkrant (NL)
"Είναι μέσω των συνόρων που μπορούμε να κατανοήσουμε τι εκτοπίζεται και τι όχι και με τη μετακίνησή τους μπορείς να δημιουργήσεις νέες μορφές μετατόπισης. Μας ενδιαφέρουν ιδιαίτερα αυτές οι νέες μορφές. Ο τρόπος που λειτουργεί το «8102» ως πρότζεκτ είναι ένα τέτοιο παράδειγμα. Προσκαλεί ανθρώπους να μετατοπιστούν στο 8102 και ταυτόχρονα μετατοπίζει τα όρια του τι μπορεί να είναι μια κοινότητα και τι χρειάζεται για να διαμορφωθεί. Η έννοια της μετατόπισης προϋποθέτει δύο στοιχεία: την κίνηση και τα σύνορα. Δεδομένου ότι ζούμε σ’ έναν κόσμο που προς το παρόν ορίζεται από επινοημένα σύνορα, είναι απαραίτητες και οι επινοημένες κινήσεις. Υπό αυτή την έννοια η φαντασία για εμάς συνδέεται άρρηκτα με την μετατόπιση." K&A
Interview with Giorgos Savinidis - Fileleutheros Philinews (CY)
Interview for ICAF 2020 - International Community Arts festival
Quotes of Participants
Constructor Nº 7
Constructor Nº 24
Constructor Nº 11
Constructor Nº 11bis
Constructor Nº 15
Constructor Nº 29 & 29bis
Previous Dates

Voices message of 8102 (podcast)
"On March 25, 2020, just after the lock-down, we decided together with the artist duo K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon) to continue their programmed workshop online. Imagination is an important quality of the arts (think The war of the Worlds by H.G. Wells -1906- ,George Orwels 1984 from 1948, both written during times of crisis). Project 8102, which the artist duo K&A has been working on for some time, also appeals to that imagination. It asks people to come up with scenarios for the future. The situation around Covid-19 raises the question of what the world would look like after the lockdown. This gave the K&A project a new urgency and a new reason to look for stories of the future. An exercise in free thinking in times of lockdown, curated by K&A and Dennis Gaens (Radio ArtEZ)."
Background information Podcast - Studium Generale Artez
Concept: K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra
Featuring messages from: Alkis Barbas, Cecile Lassonde, Manolis Ladas, Christianne van Leest, Jibbe Willems, Lenn Cox, Loan Lobo de Miranda, Louise Knobil, Olívia Campelo, Simona Piras and Sophie Kern.
Edited by: K&A, Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema.
A Collective Statement out of the Future

Concept & design: K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon)
With the participation of:
Alkis Barbas, Cecile Lassonde, Manolis Ladas, Christianne van Leest, Jibbe Willems, Lenn Cox, Loan Lobo de Miranda, Louise Knobil, Olívia Campelo, Simona Piras, Sophie Kern
This message from the future is curated by K&A and Dennis Gaens in collaboration with ArtEZ Studium Generale & Joke Alkema
Upcoming Dates
K&A take the auditors with them into a serie of extracts & interviews that zoom into the project 8102. This project started at the end of 2018, with hundreds of…

Past Dates