With the RELAY OF MATCHES we ignite an expanding poetic gesture, carrying and transfering from one to another a minuscule pit of fire.
Can a simple gesture such as the scratch of a match touch an ancient chord and evoke collectivity? It is the simplest of our actions that can touch us mark us, form us, fire us.
Who will be there to scratch?
Who will be there to match?
Who will be there to touch?
"How inflammable are our thoughts? Our actions? Our links? All together, performers & audience, we relay a simple gesture… some would say a childrens gâme: passing the sparkle of a match from one to another. Success or failure is not the point. Like thousands of people before us we will share the fire. From body to body, hand to hand, match to match, border to border."
Cast & Credits
Concept, text & performance: K&A (Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon)
Thank you: to all those that were there to ignite the match

"Life is as intense as the gesture of lighting a match: a fast start, some fire, an unannounced ending. What makes it worth living? Sharing the fire: the relay of knowledge, thoughts, questions, hope, empathy and their inflammability. With the relay of matches we question through a seemingly simple gesture (passing the sparkle of a match from one to another) how inflammable our thoughts, our actions and our links are. It is these questions that drive us and it is the intensity of experiencing the answers within your body and within collectivity that makes life more than worth living. "
K&A - Interview Parathyro Politis (CY)
Audience reactions
Past Dates